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Updated: Jul 22, 2022

I’ve been noodling vegetables using a julienne peeler long before it became a thing among those reducing their carb intake. Although I’m happy to see pre-cut faux noodles come on the grocery store scene, freshness is the question.

Spiralizing vegetables rages on in the culinary realm because it makes easy work of the mountains of chopping and slicing restaurant chefs have to slog through. But there’s a new breed of spiralizers, the home cook.

Noodling vegetables is a sneaky way to eat more vegetables. Twirling saucy vegetables around a fork and stuffing a big bite in your mouth is a more enjoyable experience than stabbing a chunk. Luckily pasta and vegetable noodles are not an either-or proposition; they happen to work wonders together.

The large, expensive kitchen pencil sharpener , however, is a tool only worth the time it takes to clean when I’m preparing large quantities. Otherwise, a carrot peeler produces ribbon noodles of carrots, parsnip, asparagus, daikon and zucchini and a julienne peeler makes spaghetti noodles of said vegetables. The vegetable and julienne peelers trump the spiralizer for convenience, storage and price.

Vegetable noodles mingle seamlessly with pasta filling your bowl with a decent portion of vegetables. Elegant canoodles are unanticipated and surprisingly just as satisfying as a big bowl of buttery pasta. Together, they make for a healthfully balanced meal. See the Canoodles recipe where I describe how to easily create this lip-smacking light dish using Qspice Lemono Sauce all in one pot.


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